Hi I’m Matina Jewell and on behalf of my entire team I’d like to say a huge welcome and a big congratulations on taking the time to invest in yourself and your future.
This is a program that is designed for people of all ages and from all industries, basically anyone who wants to improve their resilience and find techniques that will help you and your team not only survive in crisis, but actually thrive through the challenging times. So regardless of where you work, what leadership role you may have or even what type of organization you spend your time in, I am so excited that you have joined us here for this resilience in action program.
Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my experiences and the latest thinking on resilience from around the world courtesy of my team of researchers, allowing you the opportunity to think, reflect and transform, to really help you stepchange your resilience so that you’re simply better equipped to succeed. I know you’ll be amazed at the changes you will be able to make for yourself and how those changes are going to benefit you both at work and at home.
Now, this is also not your typical online program. The lessons and tips I want to share with you have been learnt on perhaps what might be considered some of the toughest environments on earth; in the military and in war zones.
I like to say that these concepts have been truly tested under extreme circumstances in hotspots all around the world. In times and places where people’s resilience is truly stretched and where there is no clear end date. You see on the battlefield we simply don’t know how long we need to maintain operating in life or death situations and the uncertainty and constant change of the environment tests our team’s resilience to the limit. In this program you will find six modules and in each of them I will share a story from my time on the frontline. There will be life-threatening situations, bombs, war and some emotionally challenging environments. I hope you enjoy the scenarios and while my examples come from some pretty extreme circumstances that I have worked in; I truly hope that you will see the underlying parallels to your own life. I encourage you, as you listen to the videos, to think about where the same key lessons and challenges are present in your role at work and in your life in general. I continue to share my thinking on building resilience with thousands of Video Transcript people around the world each year and I’m excited to share these ideas with you. In my experience working with people from all walks of life; from the United Nations Secretary General to leaders across multiple industries, I’ve noticed that the people who go on to have amazing careers and exciting futures are those that continually invest in themselves and their growth.
These individuals are always on the hunt for new and innovative methods, they are flexible in their approach, can rapidly adapt to change and they’re prepared to step up and do the work; just like you’ve done by committing to this program and your future. Over the journey of this course, let me share everything I have in my kit bag: my experiences, practical insights, the latest tools and tactics, to help sharpen your resilience mindset and equip you with the frameworks, templates and support used by the world’s best. My team have also including the latest thinking in neuroscience and adult learning principals including activities and exercises designed to help you hone new methods of resilience to add them to your arsenal. All activities are totally optional. But I want to emphasize that the exercises in the workbooks are the key ingredients for the success of this program. I completely understand how we are all short on time these days, and I get that you might want to park the activities, to do at some later stage. However, our testing from my Leadership in
Action program shows that those who gained the most benefit from the course were the ones who applied the practical application of the lessons back into their own work places and homes, immediately. And then, by the repetition of the application, this new knowledge became a habit and then a mastered, honed skill. So, enjoy the program. But, before you commence the first module, we’re going to start with a quick checkin to get a baseline of your current resilience levels. I hope you will give this your consideration so that you have a benchmark with which to compare yourself to later. At the very end of the program you will complete this same questionnaire to help guage how your percieved level of resilience has changed over the duration of the course. Your baseline questionnaire; is my Six Core
Tenants of Resilience and it can be completed online or your can go old-school and print the six questions from your course-book. So come on, lets get started.
In this course you have the option to record your answers either entirely online or, you can download the course workbook for each module.
To access the course workbook, navigate to the downloads tab and save the PDF to your desktop.
Each workbook has editable fields that you can save and edit in the future.
This course has been designed for everyone.
Want to improve your resilience?
This course is for you.
Self-directed learning means that you take the initiative to diagnose your own learning needs, formulate your own learning goals and identify the resources that suit you best for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, then evaluating your own learning outcomes.
The carefully crafted activities that accompany each module are there to guide you.
There is a lot of material.
And it is by no means all encompassing.
It is more a starting point, and an opportunity for you to increase your acuity around the concept of resilience.
Learn and grow your day-to-day.
Be inquisitive.
Who do you notice doing this idea of ‘resilience’ well? What works for them? What works for you?
Start a conversation. (And teach; share the gift of what you now know. Thinking of my two young girls, imagine the impact on a child equipped with better coping mechanisms, over a lifetime?)
Ok, in the process of change, I believe we need awareness and acceptance before we can change. Complete each activity and challenge yourself to learn and grow.
I suspect, some of the concepts will be somewhat familiar. That’s great! I suggest working through each activity, even if you think you know it, as awareness is not always enough.
The quicker you accept, the more flexible and adaptable you become. (We’ll talk about this soon too.)
A more resilient you.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact my friendly team ([email protected]) to organise for a dedicated Q&A session for you or your team.
And keep an eye-out for my ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’, ground-breaking branched online training, coming soon.
Just as in life, it doesn’t really matter too much about where you start.
Just jump in.
And enjoy the journey!
Matina Jewell